1. Kligman EW, Sinclair DA. Do antiaging approaches promote longevity? Patient Care, August 2005; 10-16
2. Rosenbaum ME, Nicely NL, Ferguson KJ, Kligman EW. Academic Physicians and Complementary
And Alternative Medicine: An Institutional Survey. Am J of Med Quality, 2002; 17(1):3-9
3. Kligman EW, Hewitt MJ, Crowell DL. Recommending Exercise to Healthy Older Adults:
The Preparticipation Evaluation and Exercise Prescription. The Physician and Sports
Medicine. October 15, 1999. 27(11):42-62

4. Kligman, EW. Alternative medicine: The role of spirituality and mind-body therapies. Iowa Medicine.

July-August, 1997. pp. 232-234.

5. Leischow SJ, Valente SN, Hill AL, Otte PS, Aickin M, Holden T, Kligman E, Cook G. The effects of nicotine

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abstinence. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 1997. 5(1):54-64.

6. Cordes DH, Kligman EW, Rea JL, Eichling P. Meanwhile back at the ranch: training residents in clinical

preventive medicine. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1995. 11(3):145-48.

7. Weiss BD, Reed R, Kligman EW, Abyad A. Literacy and performance on the Mini-Mental State

examination. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1995; 43(7):807-810.

8. Weiss BD, Reed RL, Kligman EW. Literacy skills and communication methods of low-income older persons.

Patient Education and Counseling. 1995; 25(2):109-119.

9. Abyad A, Kligman EW. Friedreich’s ataxia in the elderly. Journal of International Medical Research. 1995;


10. Abyad A, Kligman EW. Primarcy polycythaemia vera I the elderly. Journal of International Medical 

Research. 1994; 22:121-129.

11. Watkins AJ, Kligman EW. Attendance patterns of older adults in a health promotion program. Public

Health Reports. 1993; 108(1):86-90.

12. Sennott-Miller L, Kligman EW. Healthier lifestyles: how to motivate older patients to change.

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13. Johnson K, Kligman EW. Preventive nutrition: disease-specific dietary interventions for older adults.

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14. Johnson K, Kligman EW. Preventive nutrition: an “optimal” diet for older adults. Geriatrics. 1992;


15. Narce-Valente SN, Kligman EW. Increasing physician screening and counseling for passive smoking.

Journal of Family Practice. 1992; 34(6):722-728.

16. Kligman EW, Pepin E. Prescribing physical activity for older patients. Geriatrics. 1992;

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17. Kligman EW. Preventive geriatrics: basic principles for primary care physicians. Geriatrics.

18. Kligman EW. Screening for persons aged 65 and older for coronary heart disease risk factors.

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19. Kligman EW. Treatment of otitis media. American Family Physician. 1992; 45(1):242-250.

20. Kligman EW, Watkins AJ. Screening for CHD risk in the elderly: total cholesterol vs. HDL-cholesterol.

American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1991; 7(5):263-267.

21. Zuniga RE, Rappaport W, Valente J, Allen R, Lesnick I, Kligman EW. Preoperative screening for

perioperative cardiac risk. American Family Physician. 1991; 44(4):1285-1291.

22. Kligman EW, Peate W, Cordes DH. Occupational infections in farm workers. Health Hazards of Farming, 

Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 1991: 6(3):429-446.

23. Kligman EW. Office evaluation of sexual function and complaints. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine.

1991; 7(1):15-39.

24. Kligman EW, Kamerow DB, Artz LM. The year 2000 health objectives and the family physician.

American Family Physician. 1990; 42(3):851-854.

25. Reed RL, Kligman EW, Weiss BD. Comprehensive geriatric assessment recommendations: adherence of 

family practice residents. Journal of Family Practice. 1990; 31(4):389-392.

26. Kligman EW, Narce-Valente S. Reducing the exposure of children to environmental tobacco smoke.

Journal of Family Practice. 1990; 30(3):263-269.

27. Kligman EW, Hale F, Feldhausen J. Strategies for integrating clinical preventive medicine into family

medicine clerkships. Family Medicine. 1990; 22(4):279-283.

28. Baca CT, Kligman EW, Cordes DH, Grant KJ. Career choices of general preventive medicine residency

graduates. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1990; 6(2):112-116.

29. Kligman EW, Watkins A, Johnson K, Kronland R. The impact of lifestyle factors on serum 25-hydroxy

vitamin D levels in older adults: a preliminary study. Family Practice Research Journal. 1989; 9(1):11-19.

30. Einarson TR, McGhan WF, Bootman JL, Larsen LN, Gardner ME, Kligman EW. Demand for a blood 

level testing service in an ambulatory geriatric population. Journal of Geriatric Drug Therapy.

1989; 3(4):109-123.

31. Kligman EW, Higbee MO. Drug therapy for hypertension in the elderly. Journal of Family Practice.

1989; 28(1):81-87.

32. Einarson TR, Bootman JL, Larsen LN, McGhan WF, Gardner ME, Kligman EW. Glucose and cholesterol

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33. Kligman EW, Levin T, Senf J, Magill M. Risk reduction: attitudes and behavior of family practice

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34. Ho EE, Waltz JD, Ramstack J, Homoki J, Kligman EW, Meredith K, Cohen R, Meyskens F. Health

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1987; 13:427-436.

1. Jogerst GJ, Kligman EW. What influences physician practice behavior? An interview study.

Arch Fam Med. September 1996; 5:455-456.

2. Kligman EW. Is geriatric prevention a reality? (Editorial). Arizona Medicine. 1990; 47(2):8.

3. Kligman EW, Vuturo AF, Kettel L. Health promotion and wellness education in the geriatric population. 

(Editorial) Arizona Medicine. 1987; 44(7):7-8.
1. Kligman EW. Maintaining Health Through Aging Optimally; Integrative Medicine, David Rakel, ed.

Saunders, pub. 2006
2. Kligman EW. Preventing the Effects of Aging. Integrative Medicine. David Rakel, ed.
Saunders, pub.2003
3. Kligman EW, Worden MA, Davis SG. Successfully Aging: Personal and Community Choices.
Chapter 3 in Health Care Choices: Healthy Aging – Later Life Decisions; 82nd Arizona Town Hall
4. Kligman EW. Optimal Aging. The Canyon Ranch Guide to Living Younger
Longer. 2001, Simon & Schuster, 229-250
5. Kligman EW, Yost H. Nutritional Modulation of Neurodegenerative
Disorders. In, Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged. Third Edition. CRC Press, 2001

6. Kligman EW. Impact of Alternative Medicine in Medical Education. Encyclopedia of Complementary

Health Practice. 1999

7. Kligman EW. Earache. In Weiss BD, ed. Twenty Common Problems in Primary Care. McGraw-Hill. 1999.

8. Kligman EW, Hale FA. Clinical prevention. In Taylor RD, ed. Family Medicine: Principles and Practice,

5th edition. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997.

9. Kligman EW. Pressure Ulcers. In Dambro M, ed. The 5 Minute Clinical Consult.

1st-9th editions, Williams & Williams, 1993-2004.

10. Kligman EW, Hale FA. Health maintenance for the adult patient. In Manual of Family Practice. Little

Brown & Co. 1997; 15-23; 1999 (second edition), 2000 (third ed.).

11. Kligman EW. Medical education: changes and responses. In Gordon RJ, Nienstedt, Gesler (eds):

Emerging Options in Health Care: Alternative Therapies. Springer Publishing Co, New York, 1998.

12. Kligman EW. Hypertension. In Mengel, ed. Ambulatory Medicine: The Primary Care of Families,1st-3rd

editions. 1993, 1996, 2000

13. Kligman EW, Hale FA. Clinical prevention. In Taylor RD, ed. Family Medicine: Principles and Practice,

4th edition. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993; 29-52.